Why Silver Vine was chosen as the main material for olfactory stimulation in cats

08 Oct 2019

The data report cited in this article shows Silver vine

As the main producing area of Silver Vine in Northeast China, we have 20 years of experience in raw material purchasing and production. As a gift from nature, leaves are picked in September every year, fresh leaves are sorted and dried naturally, then sealed and stored to produce different sizes of leaf powder. Material of 1-2 years thickness: generally used on cat scratch board (here links commodities) or cat crawler scratches; leaf powder for toys: we call it fine powder, which is directly filled into toys and used with its fillers; other uses of leaf powder, which is used to suppress various shapes of commodities; The fruit is sweet, and it is mainly used for raw food during the period of concentrated picking from late September to mid-October.

According to the characteristics of small residual odor of rhizome for a long time, it can be directly used for Silver Vine, and combined with dolls, and the odor can be maintained for a long time.

Silver Vine as the main material of olfactory stimulation for cat toys, it has its own unique odor properties. The material grows naturally according to mountains without any chemical ingredients. Scientific picking does not destroy the natural law of its growth. Generally, we only choose 8-15CM raw materials to maintain ecological balance.

Asia Silver vine, the soul of cat toys, gives cats a safe and natural smell and feels the gift of nature.

If you have any questions related to our cat products,
please feel free to contact us.